Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fame and Fortune Through Blogging

Well, the inevitable has happened. After years of missing the trend, I've caught up. That's right : Steve is blogging.

How can this happen? It's been well established that I have little interest in blogs. I haven't kept a journal since high school, and it was just to angsty to be described with a straight face. Furthermore, I have little to write about. So how can I justify this new hobby? Simply put, I owe it all to my heavenly muse; someone who is smart, funny, beautiful, and sums up everything that is good and right in the world. Myself. To deprive the world of my thoughts and blatantly offensive opinions would be an almost criminal act.

Okay, the real reason is one of my friends asked me to.

But none of that's important. What IS important will be the chronicles of my fascinating and inspiring (read: self-absorbed and anticlimactic,) adventures.


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