Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Distinct Lack of Clothing

Soooooo...... I've been asked to model. While not wearing any clothes. Totally nude. Yeah.

An ex-girlfriend of mine with whom I am still friends has asked me to pose for an art project she's planning. After brief consideration and weighing the pros (of which there are very few,) and the cons (of which there are ridiculously many,) I agreed. Obviously, this is a huge mistake.

First, the artistic medium here is not paint, but rather the harsh and unforgiving mistress of photograhy. My physical imperfection can't be glossed over or reinterpreted. The camera is going to be stuck with what I've got. (Also, nude photograhy brings up many negative pornographic connotations for me, which I'd prefer not to think about.) Self-esteem issues aside, I know I don't look good naked. Pretty much no one does. Certainly no guy does. Guys are very..... lumpy. No matter what, I'm going to look utterly ridiculous.

Secondly, people are going to see this. If it was just the artist, I could live with it. Unfortunately, this is an art project. Her friends are going to see this (some of whom are also my friends.) Her parents will see this. Some weird artsy people I've never even met are going to see this. This is going to come back and haunt me.

Finally, nude modelling is a lot of work. (Readers may want to skip this section. I'm not going to be graphic or anything, but some of what I will discuss is going to fall under the "Too Much Information" heading.) It's been sunny out the last few weeks and I've inadvertantly acquired a tan. There may be a need prior to these photos to make this into a full-body tan. I really don't want to have to do this. Also, there is concern about whether.... trimming might be necessary. Nothing ridiculous of course, but a some minor styling may be required. I REALLY don't want to do this.

Nevertheless, I'm still planning to go through with it. At this point, it's like a I almost have something to prove. And no matter how it all turns out, it'll be one hell of an adventure, right? The way I see it, at this point in my life I should be doing crazy stuff. I'm at the rare point in life where I've got a whole bunch of opportunities, but no major responsibilities. This is the time that I should be making memories. I also like to think that I'm doing this mostly to help a friend out. My friends do a lot for me, (well, not really. But they put up with a lot from me.) so I want to to help em out whenever I can.

And seriously, isn't this a great story to have under my belt?


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