Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Sneak Peek Into My Life

People keep wanting to know more about me. "How can one man be so totally awesome?" they ask. I just shrug and smile. Some people are just born destined for great coolness.

Take tonight for example. It's 4:30 in the morning, I'm alone, bored, and hungry, and I decide to update my blog. Unfortunately, I have no new things to say. So I'm awake at 4:30 and pointlessly writing a blog.

Some people may fail to see the inherent awesomeness in the above paragraph. That's why they'll never be as radical as I am.


At 7:38 p.m., Blogger Kim said...

How can one man be so totally awesome?

At 9:51 a.m., Blogger Steve said...

Kim, the only way I can be as awesome as I am is by being MORE than merely one man. I am an ideal, a paragon .... a revolution.


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