As The Steve Turns...
There's nothing significantly worth writing about today, but I can at least update on all the little things.
1) Steamy Photos: Apparently I'm booked in the studio for my photos on Thursday, the 22nd. The closer I get to the date, the more I'm filled with dread. A big concern is the unveiling. Do I stand in front of the artists and strip? Do I strip in a change room and then walk out naked? Do I change into a robe and then remove it in a sultry fashion? This is a lose-lose situation. Does anyone out there have any suggestions? Also, although I'd never admit it to her face, one of the photographers is causing me some worry. As I mentioned earlier, we used to date. Normally, one would be expected to increase the overall comfort level, but that may not be the case. Our relationship was arguably based on equal contempt for others. This girl is perhaps my equal for sarcastic, hilarious cruelity. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was an elaborate hoax to embarass me. Paranoid? Definitely. But even if that isn't the case, I'll be very vulnerable, a situation I am loathe to put myself into. I can only hope the room is well heated.
2) Karaoke Party: A party is in the works for the long weekend, but I'm fearful it will be a bust. The last such party was a spectacular failure. It seriously went as wrong as it possibly could. When a night goes from Rollicking drunken karaoke to watching Raw Deal starring Arnold Schwartzenegger, you now you've failled as a host. Of course I wasn't much of a host because all but one person cancelled. A bigger man than I would take responsibility for this travesty and admit that it was his poor planning that led him down such a road. Alas, I am a small, petty little man, so I'm accusing my rat-bastard friends.
3) Photogenicly impaired: It's my grandparent's 5oth Anniversary soon and, as a nice little

Haha... "well heated"... well done.
So today's the big day eh? Good luck Steve. I'll be thinking of you... if that's not creepy. I just meant thinking of you in terms of sending you well wishes.
I recommend wearing the robe and then proceeding with a grand unveiling. Just think, it can't be any worse than the photos you already have of yourself. Maybe you can include one of these new ones for your grandparents...
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