Thursday, July 06, 2006

Words and Phrases That Need to Make a Comeback

English is the greatest language in the world. We've got more words than we know what to do with and can link them together in the most expressive and beautiful way imaginable. Sadly, words go out of style too quickly for my taste. How many times do you hear someone say "bummer" or "radical" these days without being ironic? Here's some phrases that I haven't heard nearly enough in the last while and will be doing my best to use as often (and as annoyingly,) as I possibly can.

  • Outstanding: Possibly the best way to express one's respect. Not nearly enough people tell me I'm an outstanding guy.
  • Pithy: I think it's fallen out of use because it sounds so much like "pissy." The two meanings really couldn't be any more different.
  • Pissy: Nobody describes themselves as feeling pissy anymore. That makes me really pissy.
  • Ouchmungous: To be fair, I don't think this is a real word. I'll be using it to describe an intense pain.
  • Rollicking: As in "a rollicking good time." I have tons of those.
  • Barfy: The only word that springs to my mind that can descibe a situation involving lots of vomit.
  • Zounds: The word means "God's Wounds," but I'm not really sure what that's supposed to mean.
  • Rousing: Sadly, whenever I refer to something as "a rousing success," people think I'm saying "an arousing success." Naturally this casts the success into a more negative light.
  • Varlet: Because soooo many people out there are totally varlets.
  • Neckerchief: These also need to make a comeback as a fashion item, not just a word.
  • Sassy: This one is pretty much self-explanatory.
  • Yeti: Much classier than "Bigfoot."
  • Bespectacled: If people used this word, I would start wearing glasses.
  • Foxy: For all those fine, foxy ladies out there.

Well, that's enough to start you out with. If you people start using these more often, I can make another list.


At 9:28 a.m., Blogger Kim said...

Thanks for that Steve... now you have me laughing creepily to myself in front of the computer at the Carthage Public Library... and now the locals are staring! Outstanding work.

At 9:58 a.m., Blogger Steve said...

I'm not going to apologize Kim, because4 if the world needs anything, it's more creepy laughter.


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