Thursday, August 31, 2006

I have the face of a monster

Hey all y'all.

While cruising the internet I found an interesting site.

Basically, you upload your picture to this site and it matches you with celebrities you most resemble.

So who did I most resemble? Apparently I'm a cross between Ricky Martin and Charles Manson.
This is now officially the worst day of my life .


At 11:52 p.m., Blogger Kim said...

That is one crazy site. In case you're interested, I'm a mix between Estee Lauder, Sheryl Crow, and Lance Bass.

Ouch. Why did it have to throw Lance Bass in there?

At 2:00 a.m., Blogger Steve said...

Joshua Jackson has indeed gained weight. Why does Lance Bass remind you of grad? It certainly can't be me; my blatently homosexual tendencies didn't really manifest until I started going to the clubs.

Incidently, using a different photo, I tried the website again. Instead of being matched with mass murderers and latin heart-throbs, I got matched with Mary-Kate Olson. The weird thing is, I didn't get matched with Ashley Olson. Bizarre.

At 9:26 a.m., Blogger Tricycle said...

That is one messed up site! I can't seem to find any photos of myself to enter, but I imagine I would be some mixture of the three sexiest men in America!

At 9:53 p.m., Blogger Kim said...



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