Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bad News, Suckers!

Well, my birthday has come and gone. I know I promised everyone an exciting new post, but I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to keep up my end of the bargin just yet.

My birthday was awesome in many regards, but not really especially hilarious. Though I had a great time with my friends, none of the events that transpired really lend themselves to writing. Also, I'm busy studying right now and feeling mildly depressed, so I'm in no frame of mind to make something funny up.

So what does this mean to you? Frankly, you're getting screwed. Well, nothing I say can really ease the pain you all must be going through right now, but I'll probably make up for it in the near future.

Anyhoo, I'll get something to all of soon enough, so don't start rioting in the streets just yet.


At 4:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the most awesome blog evah!!!


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