Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Okay everybody, once again nothing much has happened worth mentioning so it looks like it's time for another mini post.

-Australia Tickets Have Been Booked!
Despite the above exclamation point, this does not overly excite me. The trip is still half a year away. Oddly, while I'm unable to actually visualize the trip itself at this point, I'm able to imagine, and indeed look forward to, the plane ride over. All told, it'll be over 17 hours in the air. Now, no one really finds air travel that pleasurable, so I've got to figure it's some kind pseudo-masochistic impulse on my part. I think that at some level I enjoy these tests of endurance. For more examples of this check out the Fight to Survive blog, specifically the latest series of posts about Iron-man Laser Questing.

-Deluge of Essays and Tests!
Seriously, I've had to many projects to do lately. I've got a 10 page paper due Friday which is causing me grief, and a group presentation and 2 final exam essays the next week. I find this annoying.

-The DTR Talk With Kaylee!
Well, I promised results last time, and I sure do wish I could deliver. The truth is, she hasn't made any mention on the promised talk since my last post. I've seen her once since then, but no talk happened. Has victory been robbed from me? Perhaps. But don't worry, I'm not about to quit yet. I'm not gonna to bring up the talk, but I'm going to use every single passive aggressive trick I've learned from my angsty teenage years to force her to bring it up. I'm going to be mopey, surly, and generally sullen until she's so annoyed by my behaviour that she has to start a talk. A childish strategy to be sure, but one that I'm a master of. Of course, all this may be unnecessary seeing as I haven't spoken to her in weeks.

-Road Trip to Vancouver?
In related news, Peter, Chelsea, and Kaylee have invited me to join them in a roadtrip to BC in April. It almost goes without saying that this is pretty weird. Won't everybody find it awkward if I'm on this trip seeing as what's happening with Kaylee? Nevertheless, I've decided to go (if my schedule permits.) I'm confident that the awkward will minimally affect me, and maybe even give me some kind of advantage in my draconian perception. But mainly I'm doing this trip for my fans. If you'll recall my camping trip story, you can perhaps sense that the ingredients are in place for yet another disaster. Naturally, this will make for some pretty good reading on this blog. Seriously, with Peter's inability to deal with stress, Chelsea's rage and control issues, Kaylee's neurosis (as evidenced by her actually dating me at one point,) and my smug jackassery, this will be a very memorable trip.

-Christmas Stuff!
It seems to me that it's too early to even think about Christmas, but since everyone else is doing it I have no choice but to comply. First of all, I have to set the record straight: I DON"T hate Christmas. It's not my favourite season, but some people seem to think that I'm against the whole thing. To be fair, I do hate Christmas decorations, music, and a good portion of the food. I'm a fan of pretty much everything else.
Secondly, you all must be wanting to shower me with presents for giving you all such a great blog. The best present you can give me is a comment on the blog.

-Last Man Standing!
While we're on the subject of blogs, I'd like to point that out of all my friends doing blogs right now, I'm the only one still updating. Nobody else had updated for a long time, (except for Fight to Survive, but it's going really slowly.) Being the optimistic fool I am, I check for updates everyday, and each time I'm faced with disappointment.

Anyhoo, that's all I can think of for now. I feel pretty bad about screwing everybody over with two short updates in a row. Hopefully, I'll have a good story to present soon, but if not I'll at least try to make another list of Words That Need to Make a Comeback or something like that, (preferably something better.)


At 11:44 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the awesomest Steve in the world,

I applaud you for keeping up the blog. Every day when I am at work, I check to see if anyone has something new to say. More often than not, I am disappointed. So far, you have very rarely let me down.

At 8:03 a.m., Blogger Steve said...

Yeah Jeff, you're on your own for the Fight to Survive Blog. I'm saving all my stuff for this one.

At 12:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


This stuff truly provides excellent time-killer for work. However I really feel as if I"m starting on this too late, seeing as there's SO much to read and I can't get it all in in one sitting, but there's updates all the time so I'm not allowed to catch up, so I'm perpetually behind on your news. So I guess what I'm asking is, Who is this Kaylee girl (and don't tell me to read the blog, I tried and couldnl't find the background information) and what is she in your life? How did the DTR go?



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