Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This Update Won't Cop Out When There's Danger All About

First off, a quick message to all the Steve-haters out there: The last post counted as, like, 4 posts because it was so long. Therefore, this post isn't late, but rather ridiculously early. Kind of makes you feel like a dumbass for saying that I suck, doesn't it? Oh, I think it does.

Now that the rebuttal is out of the way, back to business. I have just one thing to say about this post: It's going to suck.

The truth is, nothing awesome has happened to me lately. Sure, I've been out with friends and have gone to and thrown a couple of parties, but nothing amazing really arose from them. I've got nothing to work with. But the people have spoken. My fans (except amanda,) have generally been patient and they deserve a post. This half-assed post may lose me a lot of those fans....

Anyhoo, here's what's new in the world of Steve:

- Smallville!
I recently borrowed from a cousin 5 seasons of the teen drama Smallville and I've been watching it a superhuman (hehehe) pace. You may be asking why I'd be so obsessed with a teen drama. Here's some of the reasons:

1) It's Superman. Superheros rock. I learned to read at the tender age of 4 months old from comic books, and no matter waht you all think, they are the greates things on Earth. Seriously. I'm going to punch the next person who says that comic books are stupid right in their dirty lying mouth.

2) Guest appearences galore. Already theres the Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow. Sure, they all may be second teir, but it's a sign of things to come. And the biggest thing to come? The baddest mofo ever: Batman. He may not be scheduled, or even hinted at, but Batman needs to be in that show. Heck, Batman's probably been in most of the episodes already, but we couldn't ssee him because he's a ninja.

3) There's a tiny chance that they may kill of Lana. It's hard to express how much I hate Lana. I just hate her so damn much.

4) Actually, I think that's it. I'm pretty much out of reasons.

My major midterms have almost all passed. I have two papers due by Friday this week, but I still haven't started them because I like to make things challenging in my life. Some guys climb mountains and wrestle cougars, I procrasitinate and projects worth 50% of my grade.

-Exciting Shampooing!
I'm about to tell you guys a secret I've been hiding for years. Whenever I wash my hair, I only lather and rinse. I never repeat. Recently, that all changed. The other day I decided to repeat on a lark. To be honest, I'm disappointed with the results. First off, with the rate my hair loss has been going, I think I may have inadvertantly speeded things up. Secondly, my hair suck today. I look like something out of the 70s. From now on, I'm not going to do things the way the shampoo bottle recommends. I'm doing things my way.

-Good Story on the Horizon?
For months, readers have been thrilled by my exploits with the weird-relationship-type-thing I've had going with Kaylee. Last weekend, I may have taken steps towards winning this conflict. I've tricked her into initiating a talk. I've won the game of chicken. I'm telling you guys, big things are on the horizon. We're having what Connie would describe as the DTR Talk (Defining the Relationship Talk.) When this talk takes place, I think we'll be 100% broken up, and you know what that means. That's right: I WIN. I'm feeling pretty psyched about the talk. Having watched over 27 hours of Smallville in the last couple of days, I'm now a master of WB Relationship lingo. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion.

-My Car!
I got my tires changed to winter tire yesterday! Awesome! During inspection, the mechanic found I was leaking transmission fluid! It'll cost $200 to fix! Awesome!

-Murder Mystery Party!
I went to a Murder Mystery Party the other day. Those things are lots of fun. I may do a post on them at a later date, but probably not.

-I Grew a Beard!
Soon afterwards, I shaved it off.

That's pretty much all the excitement you've been missing lately. Let this be a lesson to you. When you hassle me for an update, you end up getting shitty posts. You've been warned.


At 11:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever. I stand by my earlier comment. YOU ARE ALMOST AS BAD AS BILLY. A crappy post is better than no post at all. At least I got to kill some time at work reading!


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