Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hey everyone,

I'm just taking a break from the last ode (which will be up Moonday night,) to bring you a bit of an interlude that I liked too much to let go.

Ashley, in response to my ode to her, responded in the comments section with a poem that I think is quite lovely. I'm reposting it here for all to enjoy more easily.

Whn you next see Ashley, I demand you give her a high-five for this poem. It beat out Homer's The Iliad on the top 10 list of best poems ever.
In true English nerd style I have composed a counter-ode to Steve.

Ode to Steve

On Steve’s blog is an ode to me
He’s placed it there for all to see.
I’ll not be fooled by his “flattery”
But rather respond poetically

As we all know, Steve’s a nerd
And anyone whose ever heard
Him speak of life or girls or turd
Will assume he’s quite absurd

They’d be right as we all know
McLellan lives to give a show
From his big talk to mini ‘fro
He’ll light a fire in the disco

So Kim shouts “Steve”: you “Sexy Bitch!”
And in time he’ll start to twitch
(he calls it dancing, which is rich)
But your sides will start to stitch

His overt affection for video games
We can address by many names
Geeky, dorky, so gay it flames
But without them Fridays would be lame

I punch him often which I’m sure hurts
So instead I’ll complement his shirts
Argyle, plaid, sweater vests, the works
He’s a fabulous fashion expert!

Finally, and I do digress,
I’ll ode the quality which fits him best
Oh the memories I’ve repressed
Of Steve’s karaoke summer songfest

The voice that fills the car at night
Provides my dreams with tantamount fright
To the equally appalling sight
Of Steve’s sled high in mid-flight

Kim dared him to make the jump
And Steve did like a normal chump
His broken arm, the swelling lump
And Kim’s ego nice and plump

The scream he cried is just as fair
As his singing voice extraordinaire
Oops! What a moment I do declare
I forgot I wasn’t there!

Now it’s time to utter adieu
But one more word before I do
A sentiment I’d like to renew:
Steve’s place is marked like a tattoo

He’ll never be replaced for us
He’s got a presence like twelve ninjas.
And before you applaud a right ruckus
I made you read a poem suckas!

-Ashley Wishart


At 9:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

That poem is so far beyond cool, that 'cool' is just a speck on the horizon behind you.

Now where's my ode, Steve?! Or else you'll never see that stack of comics again!

-Davey (Steve's cousin)

P.S. Don't hurt Smallville, it's my lifeblood! ... Except Lana... you can hurt her.


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