Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Seriously, You People Don't Deserve Me

I'd like to start out with a simple question: Why the heck isn't anyone else updating their blogs anymore? I'm pretty inconsistent with my updates, but I've never let you yokels down yet. Meanwhile, none of the blogs I'm linked to have updated in over a month. Get on the ball, people! Seriously!

Once again, I'm updating without a specific topic in mind. That means I'll have to resort to another exciting segment of listing the thoughts in my head.

1) It's occured to me that if I were in a a movie, or book, or something, I probably wouldn't be the main character (unless the book was a biography about me, and even then I'd probably only appear in a few chapters. This isn't really a revalation, as I'm sure most people aren't really protagionist-material. What startled me, however, was the realization that I probably would be an antagonist. In most forms of entertainment, people root for the underdog. Exciting stories have the little guy beating the big guy and overcoming adversity and whatnot. This comes up a lot in real life. The thing is, in the little daily contests I go through in life, whenever there's an audience they aren't rooting for me, but rather my opponent. After analyzing the phenonemon a while, I've come the conclusion that I'm the big guy in these contests. Obviously my superiority is evident to all. This is kind of cool, especially because, unlike in the movies, the big guy often beats the little guy in real life.

2) I've been watching movies a lot lately. I've been watching about 2 or 3 a day for the last week or so. A lot of these movies have been really bad, and worse, a lot of the movies I once thought were good suck upon a second viewing. I've been thinking of doing movie reviews in this blog, but decided against it because you can find movie reviews anywhere.

3) I've also come to the deadening realization that I've been single too long. I think this is tied in to the fact I've been watching so many movies. In all these movies there's a romance subplot. Usually I'm pretty ambivilent to romantic subplots, but lately I've been getting sappy and wistful while watching them. When you get sappy about a romantic subplot in a movie like Talladega Nights or Ghost Rider, it's a pretty serious problem. I'm not quite sure how to deal with this. Dating is almost completely out of the question, as my recent bout of wistfulness has left me angry and embittered at the world. I couldn't trust myself not to lash out in violence. I'm thinking that my best bet would be to join a monastary. That way, when people ask why I'm not dating, I could just tell them that I'm a monk (preferably a king-fu monk, with mystical powers.) The life of back-breaking labour would be tough, but on the plus side, the vow of celibacy would be a cinch as I've been celibate for over 2 years now.

4) If you're bored an need something to do, I recommend the following sites:
- www.yachtrock.com - A hilarious video series about smooth 70s music.
- www.baratsandbereta.com - Two guys who make funny videos.
- www.joshreads.com - A guy who makes fun of the comics page.
- www.overheardinnewyork.com - Random conversation from New York

Anyhoo, I'm bored. I think I'm going to go watch a couple of movies.


At 8:45 p.m., Blogger Jeff said...

Zero comments? Not on my watch! Perhaps your singularity is proportional to your antagonism. Generally, the "little guy" gets the girl both in movies and real life. Just look at Gil Lewinsky for a perfect example. Actually, forget that... Gil treats women like objects. You'll be my hero if you get him to give you a high-five for sexism next time you run into him!

At 11:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no direct comments about your actual blog, but I am wondering if you found the next season of Scrubs yet. If you have, you better not have watched it already-- or else you're in for a smothering. You will find that the diseased rabbit has more spunk than you'd think!


At 7:47 a.m., Blogger Tigereye said...


This is Gil Lewinsky. Please remove the above post containing my name because it's defamation of character. I also don't know any of the participants in this offensive blog.

At 7:48 a.m., Blogger Tigereye said...


This is Gil Lewinsky. Please remove the above post containing my name because it's defamation of character. I also don't know any of the participants in this offensive blog.


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