Thursday, April 05, 2007

Better Late Than Never? Er, Maybe Not This Time...

So, I'm a bit late. I've been waiting for a story to tell, but may have to ask you all to be patient for a little while longer. I'm involved in some unresolved drama right now, and I'm desperately hoping that something funny will come out of it. So far, no real luck, just a lot of, well, drama. I'd regale you with those stories, but none of them have an ending yet. I'm actually having a hard time envisioning a happy end for any of them, but that was never really a requirement (ex. That whole nude picture story.)

In something of a coincidence, I've noticed several articles about blogging in the media lately. One of them cited proper ways to make a successful blog (ways which, incidentally, I fail to really achieve.) The other was commenting how the trend was rapidly dying. Looking at my friend's blogs, I guess this is true. I don't know whether I should be proud that I'm the last one standing or if I should be embarrassed. Thankfully, I haven't considered ending the blog (I still get enough laughs from it to justify it's existence,) but I'm feeling stagnant. Give me a while and I'll try to come up with some interesting filler until I attempt something suitably wacky, or at least fool-hearty. I need some opportunities for mischief, I think.

Also, I'm moving out over the next little while, so don't expect my posting schedule to get much better. Computer access may be a little spotty until May.

Anyhow, enough of the depressing stuff. I'll try to tap into something funny as soon as I can.


At 11:02 p.m., Blogger Jeff said...

Aww! Don't be down, Steve! I'm sure with all the moving out, and your potentially wacky neighbour, you'll have lots to write about soon! I'm aware that our/my blog has been stagnant for months, but I'm okay with this. I'll post a swan song of sorts when I'm ready to pack it in, though... of that, you can BET YOUR LIFE!!


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